In the final Foursquare Live, taped live on April 1, 2021, President Randy Remington unpacks the upcoming transition for Foursquare Districts and leaders. In addition, he shares opportunities to gather as a Foursquare family in the month of June. Along with the updates, Randy shares a hope-filled message in preparation for the Easter weekend and the new season ahead. Read more about the upcoming changes.

Connect with your Foursquare Family

  • We are planning for a one-night-only online event on June 1. More information to come.
  • Summer Gathering in Billings, Montana. Foursquare is coming together June 7-9, 2021. You can join live online or in person. Learn more and reserve your spot.

Get caught up on Foursquare Live

Watch Part 1: The Why
Watch Part 2: The What
Watch Foursquare Live Q+A
Read the Foursquare Church Update