We have answers to your most frequently asked questions about the brand-new Foursquare Hub 2.0. Review this helpful list of videos to learn how to:

  • Reset your password
  • Look up a church
  • Look up an individual
  • Remit extension tithe + restricted donations
  • Prepare + edit an FMCR report

Still have questions? Reach out to your district for assistance.

FAQ’s about The Hub 2.0

Updated September 2023

I have not logged into Hub 2.0 yet, where do I log in?
Login here. We recommend you save this as a bookmark on your internet browser for easy access. You can also log into the Hub by navigating to www.foursquare.org and selecting “quick links” to surface the Hub login link.   

Can I share my login with someone else?
Definitely not! User credentials provide specific permissions based on the user’s ministry role. It is a breach of security requirements to share your login credentials with anyone else and may provide that person access to sensitive information such as ministry and personal banking information. If you have executive-level privileges for a church or ministry and wish to empower another leader on your team to perform these functions, you must contact your district or support office (FMI, Chaplains, etc.) to request this access.   

Are users having trouble logging into The Hub 2.0?
We use a ticketing system to assist any users who are having trouble with Hub 2.0 and track the issues. Based on our data, most of the login issues (95%) are not system-related. The primary issues have been: 

  • Need to activate a new user who used shared credentials in The Hub 1.0
  • Security features in the user’s internet browser need to be disabled to allow the full functionality of The Hub. Read more about browser settings here
  • Using an outdated login name from the Hub 1.0. Note: All logins to The Hub 2.0 must be formatted as username@hub.login
  • The password reset is not working because we do not have your current email on file or are using your email as your username (see point above)
  • User needs updated permissions (contact the district support team)
  • Duplicate user profiles associated with different email addresses
  • Non-technical questions

I’m having trouble logging into The Hub 2.0, where do I go for help? 

  1. Make sure your internet browser version and settings are correctly configured
  2. For first-time users, start with the quick tutorials at the bottom of this page
  3. For issues with permissions (i.e., need access to fill out an FMCR), please contact your district or admin support team to update permissions
  4. For technical issues, please submit a ticket by emailing your question to: TheHub@foursquare.org

General questions

What features of The Hub 2.0 are currently available?
As of April 1, 2023, all new FMCR data and church payments should be entered into The Hub 2.0, which is now operating on the Salesforce platform. Users may use the search bar to look up other ministries or users and obtain their ministry’s public contact information. As of September 1, 2023, churches will have access to additional reports, including The Missional Investment Funding Eligibility Report. This report allows authorized users to preview whether all reporting and payment criteria are met and access links to quickly correct errors or discrepancies. 

What additional features will be available in the future?
You will see expanded options in the report’s menu in the coming months.  Many of the same reports that were available in the previous version of The Hub will be available in the new system, along with several new reports that will be helpful for church leaders. 

When will historical data from the previous database be visible?
The data migration will be happening progressively over the month of September. Different data sets will be migrated in a planned sequence, and this information will become visible once the migration is complete. While certain types of old data will not be visible in the new system, all the historical data has been archived and will be available for queries soon.  Information can be retrieved now upon request. 

Who do I contact if my permissions need to be updated?
Please contact your district or admin support team (FMI, Chaplains, etc.)to ensure that your ministry appointment is current and that you have the correct permissions. If you need additional permissions, please have your church supervisor provide approval process to your district or admin support team. 

Who do I contact if I need technical support?
If technical difficulties persist after reviewing the FAQs, reach out to The Hub team.  

Foursquare monthly church report questions

After entering both the missional and financial sections on the Foursquare monthly church report (FMCR), how do I get a printable copy?
The printable PDF display of your FMCR is now available. A menu option will appear so you can generate this report so long as both the missional and financial portions of the report are approved. 

On the new FMCR design, there are no specific lines for “missions expense.” Where should I log these expenses in the new report?
Expenditures for missions that come from donor-restricted missions should be included in the field for “donor restricted expenses.” Any missions-related expenditures from unrestricted general funds should be logged under “ministry expenses.”  More detail about your total annual missions expenditures (from all fund sources) will be requested in the December report. 

On the new FMCR design, there are no specific lines for “administrative expense.” Where should I log these expenses in the new report?
Expenditures for administration can be included in “other expenses.” 

Do I need to include the value of physical assets on the new FMCR?
No. The new report only asks for information about liquid assets (bank accounts and monetary investments). 

In Hub 1.0, many churches were accustomed to reporting the extension tithe payment associated with the previous month’s income in the current month’s Foursquare Monthly Church Report. Is this acceptable?
No. It was necessary to adjust the FMCR reporting process during the system transition. Previously, some churches used the “cash basis” reporting method in The Hub 1.0 system, reporting the extension tithe as an expense in the month it was paid (i.e., calculated from the preceding month’s income) rather than reporting the extension tithe due for the current month. By contrast, many churches have used the “accrual method,” recording the extension tithe due as a bill to be paid at month’s end, thus reflecting it as an expense in the financial statements before the payment is distributed.

The accrual method provides a more precise financial statement, which is used for all financial statements audited for compliance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Standardizing how all churches report their extension tithe using the accrual method is preferable because it aligns the tithe expense with the tithable income for the same period. It also makes it much easier for churches to reconcile their eligibility for missional investment funding (i.e., extension tithe return). Going forward, The Hub 2.0 will offer a missional investment funding eligibility report, which will use the FMCR reports to list the tithable income for each month of the year, along with the extension tithe due for that month and whether the payment has been processed. This report will make it easier for church leaders to reconcile their church’s eligibility at a glance. 

How do I keep extension tithe payments in alignment with the month the extension tithe was collected?
There are two primary ways to reflect the extension tithe payments to the month associated with the collection of those tithes:

  • According to the Accrual Accounting Method: QuickBooks  | Aplos 
  • According to the Cash Accounting Method: QuickBooks  | Aplos 

Navigating the invitation email

How to reset your password in The Hub 2.0.

Find a Foursquare church in The Hub 2.0

Find an individual in The Foursquare Hub

Remit your church’s extension tithe + restricted donations in The Hub 2.0

Prepare + edit an FMCR report for your Foursquare church in The Hub 2.0
