But the question remains. Are there people you have failed to see with the love of God, and have therefore put a bowl over the light of Christ in you?
Throughout the ages, people have all to often failed to see their neighbors as made in the image of God, and this “bowl of myopia,” says Samuel Rodriguez, is inhibiting the kingdom multiplication we long for. Sometimes we need help seeing where fear has blinded us.
President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC) and senior pastor of New Season Christian Worship Center in Sacramento, Calif., Rev. Rodriguez gave an impassioned call to the church to rise up and let our light shine, in his keynote address at Foursquare Connection 2014 in Dallas.
As we experience the ever-increasing fruits of reaching the nations at home and abroad, we will find ourselves increasingly mixed with saints of other cultural backdrops. And if we want to keep reaching the world’s many people groups, we are going to need to let go of any fears, racial divides or cultural nearsightedness. Jesus is for everyone, not just the people we feel most comfortable with.
The kingdom, as elucidated in Rev. Rodriguez’ book The Lamb’s Agenda, is both “vertical” and “horizontal,” encapsulating the restoration between man and God, and between man and man. All of this is achieved in the cross. As Christians, we must be letting the light we have received shine out for all to see, so that in these dark days we will see a great many behold and believe in the Lord Jesus.
Whether you were at this session in Dallas or weren’t able to attend and would like to see it now, take 30 minutes to watch this free video, and get ready to be stirred up and emboldened in your witness and walk.
To see more from Connection 2014, click here.