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What does The Foursquare Church look like?

We may not all look the same, sound the same or think the same, but The Foursquare Church is one movement, one tribe, compelled by the love of Christ. Church Reimagined is a concise video—available in 5-minute and 1-minute versions, in both English and Spanish—that shows where we came from, where we are going, and where we are right now, sharing the Good News about Jesus in over 150 countries around the world.

These videos are available to share on a Sunday morning during local or global missions focus times. Or you can use it as an introduction to Foursquare for new members to show how your local church is connected to a worldwide vision. However, the video cannot be: 1) used for profit, fundraising, or to solicit contributions, 2) changed, or 3) used to promote books, publications, or other written materials.

Please contact us for any permissions questions.


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