Filmed at the Parsonage of Aimee Semple McPherson in Los Angeles, U.S. Foursquare President Randy Remington, who also serves as chairman of the Global Council, is joined by Ted Vail, D.I.S., senior vice president of global operations for The Foursquare Church and Global Council facilitator, to discuss what the Global Council encompasses.

Ted and Randy explain that the Global Council includes 16 regions and is the highest level of spiritual authority in Foursquare. Learn more about how the Global Council provides unity between the Foursquare nations around the world. 

Global Distinctives

The global Foursquare community came together in 2012 to decide on Global Distinctives that we hold in common as a movement. While we recognize Foursquare is expressed differently around the world, we all worship the same God and hold the same values.

The following Global Distinctives are what make The Foursquare Church around the world distinct as a movement and as a denomination.