Gone to Be With the Lord Report (2024)
An updated list of Foursquare credentialed ministers who have recently passed away
An updated list of Foursquare credentialed ministers who have recently passed away
This three-part series of video letters, which first aired at Foursquare Connection 2024, is designed to encourage and challenge our movement (founded in 1923), as we step into our assignment for the new century ahead.
The four new board directors were selected by credentialed ministers in the Atlantic, Central, Pacific and Western Districts. They will each serve five-year terms.
As four board members conclude their five-year terms, they take a moment to share about the priority of doing God’s work and focusing on the local church pastor.
Looking for ways to introduce your congregation to what Foursquare is all about? Find free downloads and videos in this handy resource kit.
Fred served The Foursquare Church in many leadership roles, including as supervisor of the Great Lakes District for 15 years, and for four years as camp manager of the denomination’s Camp Hickory.
The next best thing to attending service each Sunday at Angelus Temple was to listen to Aimee Semple McPherson when she preached on the radio, shares retired Foursquare Pastor Jim Ritch. 100 years later, we look back at the life changing impact of KFSG..
Help pray for our chaplains, associate chaplains and chaplain candidates who serve locally and around the world.
Learn more about the topic of immigration from subject matter experts (1 hour 40 minutes)