Paul’s last days spent in prison did not dissuade him from his faith.

Likewise, while things were far from ideal, early believers kept sharing their faith. They endured difficult circumstances that distinguished casually committed believers from those sold out for Christ. Many sacrificed everything—even their lives.

The movement of the early church became a revival that swept the world. Who cared for the poor, the orphans and the widows? Early believers did. Who shared whatever they had with those in need? The early church. Who loved and prayed for those persecuting and killing them? Those same early believers.

Tough times bring out our raw selves. Difficulties can also ignite a fire that cannot be put out. When dark clouds fill the skies, let us hold fast. May we release despair and serve with vigor.

“And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:7, NKJV).

Reflect + Pray

1. In what area of your life and ministry do you feel powerless or “imprisoned”? Pray for deliverance and freedom, but also for faith in God to persevere.

2. How can your congregation help the poor, the orphans and the widows in your community? Ask the Lord for guidance to reach out today and build relationships.

3. The early church was able to inspire generations for Christ through unity and service. Ask God to unify your church in ministry and fellowship, and for congregants and leadership to have servant hearts.

4. Please pray for those serving with Foursquare Missions International this holiday season. Download the list of prayer needs, updated each month.

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