In a world of uncertainty, clarity is critical.

When Moses asked God to describe Himself at their encounter at the burning bush, God responded by saying, “I AM WHO I AM” (Exo. 3:14, NKJV). Not much insight was provided in His reply.

Later, when the Israelites grew rebellious, Moses asked Him again. God told Moses that he would know Him by His goodness, mercy and compassion (Exo. 33:18-23, NIV). It is interesting that God would describe Himself as merciful and compassionate, when judgment would soon come upon Israel’s camp.

One thing has become very clear for me after all these years serving in ministry. I’ve observed that everything God does, even His judgment, can be traced back to His unmistakable motive and unequaled acts of mercy and compassion toward His creation. Our own motives and subsequent choices then become the litmus test of whether God is truly leading us.

We continue to face enormous unpredictability in our world. Christians find themselves in the crosshairs of seemingly impossible scenarios, confronted with varying opinions, deep culture shifts and much division. Some may feel strained by the demands that they choose a side.

Even in the midst of chaos and confusion, differing political or ideological philosophies, and local, national and global crises, there is one characteristic that should always be said about us: “You can spot those followers of Jesus. They are always leading with acts of mercy and compassion.” When you feel pressured to choose sides, choose His!

Prayer + Reflection

  1. Pray that unity, not division, will be the hallmark of our communities of faith.
  2. Pray that the followers of Jesus will not be deceived, but rather will walk in the Light.
  3. Pray that the Holy Spirit will reveal any impure motives in our hearts, and that we will be aligned with His motives of mercy and compassion.
  4. Many short-term missions trips have been postponed due to ongoing precautions of health and safety. Pray for opportunities to be on mission with Jesus in your own community and intercede for teams who serve as opportunities for safe travel permit.

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