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“Never Lost” is the GPS system that Hertz uses to assure its customers they can have absolute confidence when traveling in a Hertz rental car. There are a couple of givens when using this system: 1) You must know the address of where you are going and 2) You must be able to listen and drive at the same time.

Debbie and I were not prepared for a system that could give you accurate directions and still be wrong … dangerously wrong. Recently, we picked up a car at an airport in the Southwest, keyed an address into the GPS system, asked for the shortest route, and got exactly what we asked for. We were in great shape until the system instructed us to turn right—into oncoming traffic. The road was correct and it was the shortest distance (our hotel was only three blocks away), but we found ourselves turning into four lanes of one-way traffic coming straight at us!

It was a miracle we avoided an accident. We immediately turned right, again, into a parking lot. My NASCAR background (we used to live near Dale Earnhardt’s racing enterprises) paid off again! Remember: Having all of the right information (technically speaking) does not mean you can follow it without taking into account all of the present circumstances.

The next time you are inclined to lean on the “letter of the law” instead of the “spirit of the law,” give me a call. I have a lifetime of close calls to share with you.

“Understanding is a wellspring of life to him who has it.” -Proverbs 16:22 (NKJV)

By: Glenn Burris Jr., general supervisor