A few years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer. It was clear that I was facing an uphill battle. Although I believed God could heal me, I still wondered: Why me?

I pleaded my case with God: “Lord, I don’t smoke, drink, participate in wild parties, nor am I promiscuous. Why me?!”

God isn’t surprised when we question Him. He calls us “dear children,” and He asks that we come to Him with all of our cares. As a loving father, He desires to have real, heart-to-heart talks with His children—especially those in leadership. He already knows all our cares. God answered my inquisition with His Word. This experience was not about any sin in my life—it was for God’s healing power to be manifested through me so that others would believe.

No cancer was found! God had trusted me with this life-altering experience to restore and establish hope in His healing power.

As leaders, receive your trials as God confirming to you that He can trust you. John 9:3 says a man’s blindness was not due to his parents’ sin, but “that the works of God should be revealed in him” (NKJV).

Today, ask God to use you to reveal His great works to all around you, so they may believe.

Prayer + Reflection

  1. Ask God to help you change your perspective on life’s obstacles, to see them as He sees them.
  2. Think about your unique experiences and how they could help you reach others. Thank God for the trials you’ve had that add to your testimony (Jas. 1:2-3).
  3. Thank God for choosing you to manifest His glory to humanity. Ask Him for humility and to make you worthy of that responsibility.

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