Aly Salz
Aly Salz

I’m curious if I’m the only one who complicates what it means to be a witness for Christ. I know that I make it more about doing than being, focusing more on my actions than on the source of my life.

“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on His law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers” (Ps. 1:1-3, NIV).

In this scripture, a righteous person is equated with being a strong tree, deeply rooted in the law of the Lord. That person meditates on the Word and consequently bears fruit. I love that image. When I am planted by the streams of God’s living Word, my life can be a place of beauty and protection for others, a shady spot providing rest for weary travelers, a fruitful addition to the landscape that doesn’t wither or fade.

Trees are necessary to our life, just as believers who live in God’s Word and soak in its rich nutrients are vital to the culture around us. A tree’s roots go deep, so it can stand and bear witness to the life-giving source that enables it to flourish. Let’s do the same.

Prayer + Reflection

  1. Delight yourself in God’s Word today. Ask Him for wisdom as you meditate on His laws and Scripture.
  2. Pray that God would show you any ways in which you have not been faithful in your walk and witness. Repent, and turn over a new leaf!
  3. Ask the Lord to give you deep roots and strong leaves, that you would be a witness of Christ’s life and character to all.
  4. Pray for those facing loneliness in the upcoming holiday season, and ask God for a spirit of welcome to draw those in who need the family of God and the love that Christ offers, both in our own communities and worldwide.

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is an assisting minister of SouthLake (Lake Oswego Foursquare Church) in West Linn, Ore. She also serves as vice-chair of The Foursquare Church board of directors and as the CEO of Righteous Clothing Agency, Inc.