“We can do the right thing with the wrong motive, and it will be death to our souls.”

Those words, spoken by Jessie Cruickshank, challenged me last summer when I took part in a Leadership Boot Camp offered by Foursquare’s Gateway District.

As I took intentional time to reflect on my life and ministry, the Holy Spirit brought me through a process of refinement as He dealt with the “why” behind the “what.”

David contemplated “the why” similarly in Psalm 139:23-24, where he transcribed this prayer: “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (NKJV).

In the busyness of serving the church, we can often lose sight of where our motivations are coming from. Superficial metrics may indicate success, but our souls might tell a different story.

As sons and daughters of the King, we do not have to prove, produce or perform. Instead, we are called to find our approval in Him, and minister from that place of identity and wholeness.

This Week’s Prayer Focus [5 in 5]

Personal Prayer

1. Take some time alone with the Lord, asking Him to search your heart and motivations.

2. Be still and listen to His voice as He reveals areas of refinement that may be needed or places where His approval may surprise you.

3. Respond to Him in humility, submitting your life and ministry into His hands.

Foursquare Focus 

4. Pray for the Lord to activate your church to His mission, and for hearts with pure motives as your congregation interprets His direction.

5. Ask God to give Foursquare church members an adventurous spirit as they undertake His holy mission.

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