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The kind of a church I like is a church that is blood-washed, Spirit-filled, rooted and grounded in the Word of God, scripturally sound in doctrine, and standing firmly for such fundamental truths as:
The inspiration of the Scripture; the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ; the glorious atonement through the shed blood on Calvary’s cross; the resurrection; the present-day power of the Holy Spirit; and the second coming of our Lord.
A church that is filled with the love of Christ, a love that is threefold. First, looking up toward God, with the whole heart and mind and strength. Secondly, that looks with love upon the brethren. Thirdly, that looks down with tender solicitude upon sinful and lost humanity.
A church that is interdenominational in spirit, where all men may meet on a common footing at the foot of the cross and satisfy their hungry hearts upon the Word of the Living God.
A church that is evangelical in message, whose constant cry and slogan is “souls.”
A church that is international in project, taking a keen interest in the sending forth and the supporting of foreign missionaries upon the field.
A church with lots of children to train for God and with plenty of young people, who are dedicating their lives for the ministry at home and abroad.
A church that is deeply spiritual, firmly built upon the rock, and yet keeping a warmth of religious fervor.
A church whose members have been thoroughly born again. Who are prayerful, sober, godly soul-winners, living a consistent, Christian life seven days a week.
A church where pastor and people are bound together by the strong cords of love to God and a desire for souls.
A church that is never closed, but does business for God 24 hours every day, and is always open where perplexed and needy humanity may find salvation, comfort and guidance.