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As a little girl growing up in Sunday school, one of my favorite songs was, “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands.” I remember feeling such a sense of security when I would hear those words! There’s an insurance company today whose motto offers a sense of security: “The Good Hands People.” Their products and services are advertised as helping people prepare for the future, realize hopes and dreams, and be protected from life’s uncertainties. There’s something about knowing you are in “good hands” that helps you relax and face life’s uncertainties with a smile.

Often when we reach middle age, we begin to realize the need for another aspect of future security. We find ourselves looking around to make sure there is a generation coming up behind us, whose hands are ready to take hold of the baton and run beyond what we have been able to do. As I have traveled across the United States these past five years, visiting and speaking at various retreats, conferences and in local churches, I have discovered many quality, prepared young leaders who are “running well.”

Recently, while visiting Christian Assembly in Eagle Rock, Calif., I felt that strong sense of security as I listened to the heart and message of one of these younger leaders, Tom Hughes. Tom effectively expressed the truth of Scripture, engaged us with his personal stories and challenged us to action. Instinctively, I knew the future is in good hands! I asked Tom if I could share some of his points with you, and I also encourage you to listen to his message online.

“From Intentions to Intentional,” the message Tom delivered, urges us to understand that people who know they are created with purpose live their lives intentionally. Living intentionally leads to experiencing the fullness of that God-designed purpose. (You have to hear the story he told about paper clips!) Consider these observations:

  • Intentionally obedient people listen differently. They don’t just listen to learn; they listen to live changed lives.
  • Intentionally obedient people listen for the applause of heaven, not the applause of the earth.
  • Intentionally obedient people pay attention to where their closest life relationships are leading them.

Proverbs 31:25b (NASB) says, ” … and she smiles at the future.” That was me, sitting in Christian Assembly listening to Tom and thinking about all the young leaders I’ve encountered. Yes, our future is in good hands!

Prayer focus: This week, let’s focus our prayer on the younger leaders of our Foursquare family, asking God to give them strength, wisdom, grace, power, discernment and love. May they experience His protection and peace as they run the race set before them, and may they see millions of people come to Jesus. Text or Facebook one of these leaders this week and tell them we are with them and for them!

By: Tammy Dunahoo, interim general supervisor

is the former general supervisor of The Foursquare Church. She now serves as the dean at Portland Seminary.