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The Foursquare Church continues to raise funds and provide hands-on, practical assistance to those severely impacted by Cyclone Nargis in southern Myanmar.

At Foursquare’s convention in Houston last month, an offering was taken to aid in the relief efforts in China and Myanmar. The contribution totaled $31,000 in cash and $154,000 in pledged gifts. Although local contacts in China are limited, Foursquare Missions International (FMI) staff have been able to assist with the relief work thanks to local contacts. As churches follow through with their commitment to ongoing relief assistance in Myanmar, their offerings will be used in the following ways:

  • Four-hundred-foot deep wells are being dug to provide clean water to locals, which is critical for health.
  • Twelve churches have been rebuilt.
  • Toilets are being provided.
  • Food, water and hygiene products are being delivered.
  • Community health education classes are being taught.
  • The first staging area in the Irawaddy division has been established.

Recent reports from leadership in this country indicate that courageous efforts are being made in response to Cyclone Nargis relief efforts. The current numbers circulating estimate that more than 147,000 have died and more than 2.5 million have been left homeless in the Irawaddy division of Myanmar.

“People and churches have given and are continuing to assist financially as we carry out a long-term project in Myanmar,” said George Butron, FMI regional representative to Asia. “We are so grateful for their partnership.”

Prophetic Message
While many lives were lost through this disaster, locals have still seen God work. Days prior to the destruction of Cyclone Nargis in southern Myanmar, the national leader of Foursquare Myanmar prayed on a rooftop in Yangon.

God spoke to him clearly and said: “There is going to be a famine. It will be like the time of Joseph. You need to prepare.”

The following Sunday, he went to his congregation and brought them the word he had received. He also told the people to withdraw all of their money out of their banks. The congregation initially treated the “word” as suspect, but many ultimately complied and retrieved their assets from the bank. Four days later all of the banks in the country closed due to the cyclone.

The people also responded to the prophecy by stocking their homes with rice, canned foods, cooking oil and other staple supplies. Immediately after the storm, everyone understood how God had prepared them for this disaster and they immediately began to help those in need in the city of Yangon and beyond.

Relief efforts are continuing in many ways. According to Tom Hinton, Global Connect coordinator for FMI, there is also an ongoing discussion for the purchase of land for rice development, a training center and an orphanage. Continued prayers and financial gifts from the Foursquare family are needed to assist those in Myanmar. If you would like to give financially to assist in this Foursquare relief effort, please send contributions to Foursquare Missions International. Make your check out to ICFG, and write “Relief Fund” on the memo line. Mail checks to:

Foursquare Missions
ATTN: Paulette McCammon
P.O. Box 26902
Los Angeles, CA 90026