An honorable mention is given when a person in a competition receives special praise from the judges, but does not actually win a prize.

Have you ever sacrificed for another person, been utilized in a powerful way in another person’s life, or preached the message of a lifetime, only for it to be met with silence? No shout-outs, thank-yous or social media posts. Just silence. That would be an “honorable unmention.”

Often we feel unappreciated and unacknowledged because we look to people for special praise when, ultimately, our judge is the Lord.

At this year’s Foursquare Connection, pastor A.J. Swoboda shared a message that made me appreciate the silent partners in God’s mission. In Acts 9:1-19, Ananias was trusted by God, putting his own life at risk, to set in motion the transformation of Saul into Paul. This is the only account of Ananias within Scripture, but plenty of honorable mentions are given to Paul. Both men were used and empowered by God.

Before you think that people are the only “honorable unmentioned,” consider the Holy Spirit. His mission is to draw people to someone else (Jesus), to comfort, lead, guide and empower—yet, He is often misunderstood, grieved and unappreciated. If you ever feel like an honorable unmentioned, remember: You are in good company, and the true Judge acknowledges your sacrifice and diligence.

This Week’s Prayer Focus [5 in 5]

Personal Prayer

1. In your time of prayer, express gratitude to the Holy Spirit for His guidance, empowerment, conviction and comfort.

2. Pray for those who have extended themselves in a sacrificial way toward you or others. Make it a new habit to tell others immediately when you appreciate them, and notice their generosity and sacrifice.

3. Ask the Lord to show you times when you have expected people to give the honorable mention that only the Lord can give. “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart” (Gal. 6:9, NKJV).

Foursquare Focus

4. Ask the Lord to guide our Foursquare family in the presidential selection process, and that God would prepare His/Her heart and family for the responsibility.

5. Pray for the men and women serving around the world in unique situations with Foursquare Missions International. Download a monthly prayer guide here.

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