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As Pentecostal Protestants, we owe a huge debt of gratitude to the stalwart believers who paved the way for us to enjoy religious freedom. The great Martin Luther started the Reformation, and the efforts of Ulrich Zwingli continued the momentum. Their names are familiar to all of us.

But many of us do not recognize the names Conrad Grebel and Felix Manx, who founded a sect that came to be known as the Anabaptists. Though persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church, the Anabaptists continued to pursue their belief that the Bible is the ultimate authority for doctrine and practice; Anabaptists exist today as Mennonites.

I recently met with Foursquare Europe national leaders in Bienenberg, Switzerland, at a Mennonite retreat center. Being in the country where people sacrificed so much for the sake of Christ was extremely moving.

We traveled to a mountain called Gempen that commanded an amazing view of France to the west, Germany to the north and Switzerland below us. Although unseen from our vantage point, Italy was to the south and Austria to the east. We stood together on top of the tower and prayed over the nations of Europe—we prayed in the Spirit, and we prayed in our native tongues.

As we prayed, we contended for a future that would not be hindered by the past. We prayed that God would open cities to the gospel and give us the keys to the kingdom. We prayed for the development of the global Foursquare church that would allow us to synergize our efforts, network our strengths, and release the emerging generations.

We asked the Lord to give us breakthroughs in our major cities, as we are keenly attuned to the doors the Lord is opening. I was thrilled to be part of this passionate group of leaders who believe the promise of Psalm 2:8: “Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession” (NIV).

I am humbled by the commitments and sacrifice of the earlier followers of Christ. I am inspired by the current vision and hope of the church leaders I meet everywhere. I can’t wait to discover together, by the power of the Spirit, the Lord’s plan that He will unveil to a church that is unwavering in its pledge to win the world at any cost.

Our theme for The Foursquare Church in 2011 is “Accelerate—The Whole Gospel to the Whole World.” Join me in praying and believing that The Foursquare Church will do its part to fulfill the Great Commission.

By: Glenn Burris Jr., president of The Foursquare Church