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It’s interesting that the disciples did not ask Jesus to teach them how to preach or serve or even how to do miracles, but they did ask Him to teach them to pray. After leading ministries for years, Dr. David Jeremiah, founder of Turning Point Ministries said “I scoured the New Testament some time ago, looking for things God does in ministry that are not prompted by prayer. Do you know what I found? Nothing! I don’t mean I had trouble finding an item or two: I mean nothing. Everything God does in the work of ministry, He does through prayer.”

Tens of thousands of believers joined in Foursquare churches around the U.S. last night to seek the Lord in the first ever Foursquare family prayer meeting via satellite. I want to say thank you to everyone who participated in the prayer meeting and to remind all of us to continue seeking the Lord in prayer.

Observing Jesus’ prayer life, one of His followers said: “Lord, teach us to pray!” There are at least six primary points that serve as a road map out of what Jesus taught in Luke 11:2-4:

  1. Adoration: “Father, hallowed be your name.”
  2. Submission: “Your kingdom come.”
  3. Petition: “Give us each day our daily bread.”
  4. Confession: “Forgive us our sin”
  5. Forgiveness: “Forgive everyone who sins against us.”
  6. Protection: “Lead us not into temptation.”

Oswald Chambers has reminded us, “Prayer does not fit us for the greater works: prayer is the greater work.” Lord, teach us to pray!

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the spirit.” -1 Thessalonians 16-19 (NKJV)

By: Glenn Burris Jr., general supervisor