My name is Regina Jones. My husband, Jeffrey, and I attend Cornerstone Christian Center, a Foursquare church in South Chicago Heights, Illinois, where Greg and Karen Howse are our senior pastors.
We were both raised in church all of our lives, with traditional church backgrounds. Yet when we joined Cornerstone, we realized there was something different about this place—a place where dreams are resurrected and the saints are equipped to lead.
Even though we both had been baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit, we came into a greater understanding of praise and worship, the gifts of the Spirit, kingdom authority and government, five-fold ministry and advancing in dominion.
The most impacting thing that has occurred in us since we’ve been connected to Cornerstone has been the opportunity to go to different nations. I had been raised in the inner city of Chicago and never dreamed I would one day go across the ocean. We have traveled several times to Croatia and Africa, together and separately, with both small and large teams.
Each trip was so different, and each time we were given a greater revelation of God’s awesomeness, vastness and tender care of people all over the world. Our opportunities to minister in these nations definitely took us out of our comfort zones.
Our pastor prophetically shared with us what he felt God wanted to do through us during the last trip we took together to Africa. That was the beginning for both of us to be launched into a whole other aspect of ministry. We were used to minister prophetically to more than 200 people one-on-one and assisted with commissioning other leaders in that nation as they moved officially into the apostolic grace on their lives.
One common thread in every trip to another nation was the hunger and faith of the people there to see God move and do miraculous things in their lives. It also allowed us to see what we really have on the inside of us. We can never forget the work He began in us, knowing He is faithful to complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.