Wendy Nolasco

While on a recent trip, our group was walking to our destination in the center of the city when a loud buzzing caught my attention. A bumblebee was flying overhead, zigging and zagging, finding its way in the most circuitous flight pattern possible. I was reminded of the folklore that the bumblebee should not be able to fly, that it defies the laws of aviation.

The metaphor rings true for you and me. This most recent season of leadership has been a bumblebee-type season—you have done, and continue to do, what defies the odds. You have served, extended and sown with outrageous generosity in your communities and to your congregations. We are so proud of the leaders you are! Hebrews 10:35 has been on the forefront of my heart for you: “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded” (NIV). Or, as another translation puts it, “Do not lose your courage” (GNT).

As Martin Ruarte, supervisor of the National Hispanic District, shares: “We are living in a historic time for the Foursquare family. It is exciting to know that we will serve the Lord together, empowering all generations and impacting the kingdom of God beyond our context and our culture, inside and outside the United States.” 

Our prayer is that you would be filled with courage and not lose hope in the coming days. That your life would be filled with the Spirit of God that is freshly poured out upon your life. As we embark on this next season as a family, our team is poised to advance together. We are “changing our culture without changing our identity,” adds Martin.

“We know serving as ministers of the gospel has its challenges,” shares Antonio Sims, Central District supervisor, “but you do not have to do it alone. We desire to partner with you to provide care, connection and collaboration so you can joyfully fulfill your God-given calling.”

Dave Edler, interim supervisor of the Northwest District, reminds us: “Isn’t it great to know that Jesus is the same—yesterday, today and forever! The Good News that we’ve been called to preach is still transformational.”

“We are positioned strategically for such a time as this,” states Chanda Crutcher, Atlantic District supervisor. Echoing her words, Billy Calderwood, supervisor of the Western District, adds: “As a Foursquare leader, you have a powerful vision to share the Good News and serve people in your unique context. As we partner together, may God ‘give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed’ (Ps. 20:4, NIV).”

As you continue to serve your faith communities, giving of your whole lives to the work of the ministry, we want to express our gratitude to Jesus for your lives, that you would not lose courage but increase in hope, moving in unity and building toward the future.

“One heart, one vision, building generations together,” adds Sheldon Lacsina, Pacific District supervisor. “In this new season together, thankfully, one thing that never changes is that ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever’ (Heb. 13:8, NKJV).”

As we posture ourselves for the next leg of the journey, “May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. May we shout for joy over your victory and lift up our banners in the name of our God” (Ps. 20:4-5, NIV).

Or, in simpler terms, may you take flight like a bumblebee and defy the odds in doing so.

is the vice president/general supervisor of The Foursquare Church.