Video: Pastor Randy challenges us to love + unity this electioon cycle
A collection of resources to help you navigate this 2024 election season with your congregation, including an update from President Randy Remington (5 minutes).
News + Resources
A collection of resources to help you navigate this 2024 election season with your congregation, including an update from President Randy Remington (5 minutes).
The Northwest District has curated these resources to support and inform pastors as they navigate a contentious election cycle.
“Jesus gives us something so much more powerful than an attachment to a political party,” shares Foursquare President Randy Remington.
Kelly Tshibaka reminds us that God will go to great lengths to reach the people He loves. Are we ready to be sent? (7 minutes)
What should a pastor's role be concerning current events and political debates? Zach B., a Foursquare worker in Turkey, offers his unique perspective as someone who has served in the Middle East.
When I think about the context of our current realities in the U.S., by many considered to be a postmodern, post-Christian culture, I’m not discouraged at all.
Election Day is fast approaching, the negative ads and rhetoric increasing exponentially. But amid the hubbub, these three people in Foursquare are making a difference in the governmental sphere every day.