Foursquare work continues in Turkey despite obstacles
Zach B. was forced to leave his fruitful ministry in Turkey when the government refused to renew Christian workers’ visas. But the changed lives he discipled will continue to carry out his work.
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Zach B. was forced to leave his fruitful ministry in Turkey when the government refused to renew Christian workers’ visas. But the changed lives he discipled will continue to carry out his work.
Pastor Benji Horning gives an amazing update on the incredible impact the global efforts of the Foursquare family. (3 minutes)
How your gifts are changing a region. (1 minute)
What does it look like to carry out Christ's Great Commission in this region of the world?
Foursquare is the largest Christian movement in Turkey, with 10 congregations. See how churches in the region are making a surprisingly big impact in the Middle East.
In some of the world's most volatile regions—the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia (MENACA)—Foursquare is making inroads with the gospel and seeing God change lives.