Foursquare Disaster Relief responds to Hurricane Eta
Our Foursquare family in Honduras is in need of your prayers and support following Hurricane Eta. Here's how you can help.
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Our Foursquare family in Honduras is in need of your prayers and support following Hurricane Eta. Here's how you can help.
When I went on a trip to Honduras and witnesses what God is doing among Foursquare churches there, my eyes were opened to what true revival is, and how it happens.
Pastor Jim Settle of Coquille Foursquare Church in Oregon has helped to bring clean water to villages in Honduras through a partnership with other Foursquare leaders and community organizations.
Rhonda Wilkinson is a missionary for Foursquare Missions International in Honduras, the second poorest country in Central America. Her key focus is ministering to orphans as a "mother to the motherless."