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21 days of prayer + fasting acts administrative tools aimee semple mcpherson angelus temple archived child + youth resources christmas church growth church health church planting (multiply) discipleship diversity education encouragement evangelism faith family foursquare by the numbers foursquare central office foursquare chaplains international Foursquare Connection foursquare connection 2018 foursquare connection 2019 foursquare connection speakers foursquare disaster relief foursquare history foursquare legacy foursquare missionaries foursquare missions international giving glenn burris jr. gone to be with the lord gospels 2012 healing hispanic holy spirit leader resources leadership leadership development leader support life journal 2013 life pacific college mentoring ministry miracles missional missions multiethnic nextgen non-traditional ministry outreach pastoral care personal growth prayer president randy remington relationships stage 2–leaders stage 3–churches stage 4–movements tammy dunahoo target 1 target 2 target 3 target 4 testimony weekly devotional weekly prayer youth