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I’ve heard over and over in my spirit, “We’re in a season of alignment.” God is aligning the body of Christ in these last days to be a perfect and direct channel of His presence, power and favor. Being in alignment always requires the discomfort of moving, changing and repositioning.

I believe that God has brought our Foursquare family into this season of alignment. He desires to reposition us into His divine order so that Foursquare can, again, be explosive and profoundly impact the world. As usual, the enemy is on the move to hinder and stop the plan of God. Disunity and disconnection are among his most potent weapons.

God’s plan for us is good, but it’s not automatic. Though God’s will clearly is that no one should perish, masses of people are perishing daily because they have not chosen to follow God’s direction. In the same way, while God’s will for Foursquare is settled in heaven, it won’t be realized on earth unless we humble ourselves, pray and seek His face.

We are all very familiar with 2 Chronicles 7:14, but knowing it won’t change anything; we must do it. We must:

  • Humble ourselves – Bring ourselves under the lordship of Jesus; declare “not our will, but Your will be done.”
  • Pray – Declare over Foursquare, “Your kingdom come and Your will be done!”
  • Seek His face – Call out to God for His supernatural plans and purposes, not leaning on our own understanding.
  • Turn from our wicked ways – Recognize and repent for any and all self-seeking, pride, arrogance, cynicism, apathy, fear, strife, division, criticism and evil-speaking.

Can you imagine what would happen if we actually did this? We would experience God’s forgiveness and restoring power throughout Foursquare. In 2 Chronicles 7:15, God promised: “Now My eyes will be opened and My ears attentive to the prayer made.” In other words, as we do this, we will enter a season of increased answers to prayer.

Dear Family: as we approach Connection 2010, we are at a spiritual “crossroads.” We desperately need the mind of the Lord and the unifying work of the Holy Spirit. Let’s humbly stand together in unity, calling on the name of the Lord, and watch God’s favorable response towards our Foursquare movement.

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Kimberly Dirmann serves The Foursquare Church as Southwest District Supervisor.