I’ve been incredibly blessed to discover how many Foursquare pastors responded this weekend to address to their communities of faith concerning the tragic unfolding of events in Charlottesville, Va., and a commitment to be united against the lies, deception, hate and anger emerging from the white supremacists’ devilish doctrine of superiority. Thank You!

The Foursquare Church unequivocally stands against this evil and will never be silent. I believe we are uniquely positioned to be a part of God’s redemptive plan. We continue to pray for all of those affected, directly or indirectly. We also continue to pray against the spirit of divisiveness and hate. And we will march forward being light into the darkness with words and action.

I want to mention two important notes. One, I wrote after multiple and troubling events last year; another includes some important resources to engage these issues. Secondly, I’m including a Facebook post that I wrote right after the Charlottesville protest. I was reminded of the unique tensions in Jesus’ life and how he responded. It’s certainly not an exhaustive piece, but one that helps bring context for me to live in a world with vastly conflicting values.

Pray with us as we actively pursue ways to equip our leaders across the nation to address the deep divisions. Some have called racism the original sin of our nation. It continues to be a deeply painful issue. Growing up in the Deep South, I saw firsthand its devastating effects.

Thank you for your time, your heart, your wisdom and your effort as we unite together more strongly than ever before to “[cast] down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5, NKJV).