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It’s finally here—the first Foursquare youth summit of the 21st century! The Foursquare NextGen Summit ’07 will be December 29-31, 2007, in Anaheim Calif., with expected attendance of 8,000 young people and leaders.
Heart of the Event
In Genesis, the Bible tells a dramatic story of a young man named Joseph who experienced three injustices. As a result of his brothers’ jealousy, he was sold into slavery, orphaned from his family and forced to live a life of poverty. Despite his situation, Joseph remained faithful and God used him to save his generation.
Joseph knew God in a way that made him different from those around him, and it was this relationship with God that equipped Joseph to change his world. Imagine how Foursquare youth, through a real relationship with Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, can change their world just as Joseph did:
- 144 million orphans worldwide need homes and caring families.
- 27 million people victimized by human trafficking need to be rescued.
- 1 billion people in extreme poverty surviving on $1 per day need God’s hope and our help.
Orphans, human trafficking, poverty—more than just physical problems, these are spiritual issues for everyone that require God’s healing. The Foursquare NextGen Summit ’07 will identify what it means to be orphaned from God without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ; enslaved to sin, without the power of the Holy Spirit; and remain in spiritual poverty unless they live out their lives with Jesus everyday.
The music line-up of Foursquare NextGen Summit ’07 includes San Diego-based rockers Switchfoot, the hip-hop duo Grits, melodic newcomers Leeland and Southern California’s own L.A. Symphony, among others. Confirmed speakers include Sharon Cohn with the International Justice Mission, poverty activist and author of The Irresistible Revolution, Shane Claiborne, abstinence advocate Lakita Garth, pastor and author Erwin McManus, creative guru Kevin Carroll, and 15-year-old abolitionist Zach Hunter, founder of Loose Change to Loosen Chains. Pastor Jack Hayford, president of The Foursquare Church, and Glenn Burris, general supervisor of The Foursquare Church, are gifted by God to bridge the generations and will bring spiritual context of a Christian’s role in society as the Holy Spirit equips the next generation to change their world. In addition, E! News correspondent Jason Kennedy will be the Foursquare NextGen Summit ’07 emcee. More information on bands and speakers is available online.
The first step is registration, which is now available. More information about pricing, group discounts and accommodations is also available online. The Super Early Bird registration deadline has also been rolled back to August 31, 2007, extending the savings of $130 per person for two more months. A Super Early Bird registration can be reserved with a $59 per person non-refundable deposit, with the remaining balance due Nov. 30, 2007. Four percent of all funds received for the Foursquare NextGen Summit ’07 will go to organizations that embrace orphans, stop human trafficking and fight poverty.
Be on the lookout for the latest and greatest promotional materials to be mailed to you and made available on very soon.
Current promotional materials are available for group leaders, including brochures, posters and DVDs. E-mail us at or contact Angela Ventura at 213.989.4230 to request materials.
More Info
Visit the leader’s site for more information, or the student site where you can find the latest information about Foursquare NextGen Summit ’07, including videos, promo material downloads and updates about how you can help embrace orphans, stop human trafficking and fight poverty.