This article is archived. Some links and details throughout the article may no longer be active or accurate.
Editor’s Note: in January 2010, the Foursquare cabinet finalized and approved a presidential selection process. To download the finalized selection process, click here.
As we move toward electing a president at our Foursquare convention in Atlanta, May 31–June 3, 2010, we want to keep you informed of how this process is emerging over the course of the year. The September issue of Foursquare Leader (mailed to all credentialed ministers) featured an article titled “Presidential Nomination Process Begins” and included a timeline. At a combined meeting of the board of directors and the supervisors, that process has been further refined.
We must remember that our bylaws give the cabinet the final authority in the selection of nominees for president. Since at the present time there is no selection process defined in the bylaws, the board of directors will suggest a process to the cabinet meeting in January; this will serve as a starting point for discussion. The process as it stands right now follows.
Presidential Selection Process
Draft 10/21/09
A. Open (denomination-wide) Nomination Process
- Each licensed minister will send the names of two nominees to an accounting firm for confidential count.
- The accounting firm will send the top 25 names to the corporate secretary and BOD in alphabetical order; the number of votes each nominee received will not be included in the report.
- The cabinet will receive the list of 25 names at the special session of cabinet to be held in January, not before, so as to protect potential nominees from undue pressure. Note: This provides the cabinet with a starting point of potential candidates as proposed by the field. This list is suggested, not mandatory. The cabinet retains the right to nominate whomever it chooses.
B. Preparation of Cabinet Members
In order to be prepared to participate in the selection of candidates for Foursquare president, each member of cabinet:
- shall receive a description of the president’s duties and a copy of the presidential selection process, which shall be sent to each member at least two months prior to the cabinet meeting.
- shall review the procedures and list of qualifications for the office of president, found in 7.1.1 of the bylaws.
- shall be encouraged to pray and fast (Acts 13:1-3).
C. Special Session of Cabinet Convened (January)
- On the first day of the special session of cabinet in January, a meeting shall be convened for the express purpose of selecting nominees for president.
- Â The chairperson of the board, or director, or a designee approved by the board, shall moderate the meeting.
- It shall be established that a quorum of the cabinet is present, and the number shall be announced.
- The moderator shall cause to be distributed a printed copy of the presidential selection process.
D. Formation of the Nominee Review Committee
- Before the nomination process begins, an ad hoc nominee review committee shall be formed. There shall be a total of 14 members plus the chair of this committee, one from each district.
- Cabinet members will gather together briefly with those from their districts to elect from among themselves a representative to this committee.
- The supervisor of each district or the supervisor’s designee shall chair the meeting.
- The name of the representative who is chosen will be reported to the moderator of the cabinet.
- This committee shall be charged with two specific duties:
- Tallying the votes cast for nominees
- Â Interviewing nominees
Note: Each committee member must sign a confidentiality statement before these interviews begin, agreeing to keep entirely confidential all personal information that is disclosed by the nominees. Anyone who feels unable to guarantee confidentiality should be replaced on the committee.
- The corporate secretary-treasurer shall chair this committee when it performs its duties.
E. Candidate Nomination
The cabinet shall nominate two or three candidates. The process for reaching that number is as follows:
- At the special session of cabinet held in January, the list of the top 25 names proposed by the licensed ministers shall be presented.
- Each cabinet member shall submit two names, using a written ballot. These names need not be drawn from the proposed list.
- The names will be tallied by the nominee review committee, and the top 25 names shall be posted alphabetically.
- The nominee review committee shall privately retain a list of the top 25 names, ranked in order from the highest number of votes received to the lowest.
F. Nominee Review
Once the list of 25 names has been posted, the special session of cabinet may be adjourned by the moderator so that the cabinet can conduct other business. Meanwhile, the candidate review committee will begin the process of interviewing each nominee.
As much as possible, the vetting of candidates will be conducted on site during the special session of cabinet in January. This will allow the greatest number of face-to-face interviews to take place. Otherwise, teleconference interviews will be held. The entire, or nearly the entire, nominee review committee should be present for each interview. This will keep the process consistent and as impartial as possible.
- The nominee review committee’s role is solely to inquire of each nominee concerning these personal matters listed below to determine if there is cause for disqualification. If opinions differ, a committee vote shall be taken. The corporate secretary-treasurer shall also cast a vote.
- Committee members shall not eliminate any candidate based on personal preference, but shall remain neutral and equitable toward all.
- The vetting process shall begin with the nominee receiving the highest number of votes, and shall proceed through the ranked list (See: E, 4) until seven nominees have been selected from the list. These seven will be interviewed by the entire cabinet at its meeting in March.
- Each nominee shall be asked the following set of questions (face-to-face or via conference call):
- Are you willing to serve?
- Do you or your spouse have any serious health issues that might impede your service as president?
- Do you have any serious marital problems?
- Do you have any serious legal or financial problems or debt that has accumulated to a point that would impede your service?
- Is there anything in your past or present that would be scandalous if brought to public awareness? (An answer of “yes” shall be sufficient unless the nominee wishes to elaborate.)
G. Cabinet Nomination Meeting (March)
On the first day of the regular cabinet in March, a special meeting shall be convened for the express purpose of selecting 2 or 3 nominees for president. The process shall be the same as that followed in the January meeting:
- The chairperson of the board of directors or a designee approved by the board shall moderate the meeting.
- It shall be established that a quorum of the cabinet is present, and the number shall be announced.
- The moderator shall cause to be distributed a printed copy of the presidential selection process.
- The cabinet will be given the names of the seven candidates to be interviewed. These names will not be made public earlier so as to protect the families and congregations of the candidates from unnecessary disruption.
H. Candidate Interview
- The interview process shall be conducted as follows:
- A member of cabinet shall pray, asking God to give discernment and wisdom to all who will be voting.
- Seven nominees shall be interviewed in alphabetical order (by the first letter of the last name).Â
- Each candidate shall begin by responding to the four standard items listed below; the candidate shall not be interrupted by questions or comments from cabinet members.
- When a nominee’s response is complete, the moderator shall invite the cabinet to ask any questions of the nominee. He or she is, of course, free to decline to answer any particular question.Â
- When the moderator or a member of cabinet feels that sufficient information about a nominee has been elicited, he or she may make a motion that the interview of that individual be closed. The motion must receive a second and a majority vote to be accepted.
- This process should continue until all committee-approved nominees remaining from the original list of seven have been interviewed.
- Each candidate shall respond to the following:
- Do you fully subscribe to the “Foursquare Declaration of Faith” (as compiled by Aimee Semple McPherson)?
- Briefly describe your history as a minister. (A resume may be handed out or displayed electronically.)
- If elected president, tell us four action steps you would definitely take if the board approved them.
- Describe the role of the Foursquare president as you understand it.
I. Voting
- If some members of cabinet present wish to place three candidates on the ballot instead of two, a special vote must be taken prior to voting for the candidates. The moderator shall allow time for those who support and oppose the inclusion of three candidates to speak to the issue.
- The names of the top two or three nominees who receive the most votes will be placed on the ballot as candidates for the office of president.
- Voting shall take place after all seven nominees have been interviewed. The voting process shall be conducted as follows:
- Each cabinet member shall vote by written ballot for one candidate. A nominee may be a member of cabinet; if so, he or she cannot vote on his or her own nomination, but must abstain (7.1.2.A.1).
- To be placed on the ballot as a candidate for the office of president, a nominee must receive two thirds of the votes cast by the cabinet (7.1.2.A.1). To achieve this, the process of casting votes must be repeated as many times as necessary until a nominee emerges with two thirds of the vote. To choose second and third candidates, this same process must be repeated. Each time a vote is taken, a cabinet member shall cast one and only one vote.
- Â Between votes, while trying to gain consensus, the cabinet may wish to discuss a person’s qualifications. While this discussion takes place, all the candidates shall leave the room.
- After the two or three candidates for the office of president have been determined, thanks should be expressed to all the nominees for allowing their names to be considered. Thanks should be given to God for His guidance.
J. Communication
The names of the two or three candidates proposed by cabinet shall be announced publicly on the Foursquare business website (// by April 16. Included with this announcement shall be biographical information about each candidate and a written statement that answers the question, “If elected president, what is your vision for our movement?”
K. Convention
- Before the vote is taken at convention, a brief video about each candidate shall be presented in order to better familiarize the voting delegates with the candidates.
- The vote shall be carried out according to the bylaws (Article V).
At this time, this is as much as we can report. Remember that the presidential selection process you’ve just read is a draft proposal that will be presented to the cabinet in January. It may be modified or replaced altogether if the cabinet so chooses.
We are in an exciting time for our movement. We all have a strong sense that God is at work among us, preparing us for a fresh season of growth. Please keep praying!
By: The Foursquare Board of Directors
>> Read More: 2010 Foursquare Cabinet Composition