As we concluded Foursquare Connection 2019 in Nashville, Tenn., none of us could have anticipated the circumstances that we would be facing a year later as a result of COVID-19. Thankfully, God knew what was coming and had been preparing us all along. As a result, not only are we navigating the ambiguity of our current crisis with faith and confidence, but we’re also embracing unprecedented opportunities for engagement, care and mission with clarity of vision and renewed purpose for the future.

As I reflect over the past year, I find myself humbled and in awe of how God has led our board of directors, district supervisors and executive team so providentially. Three years ago, the Foursquare cabinet entered into prayer, discussion and decisions, which resulted in an election process and succession plan to take place a year earlier than scheduled. The thought behind the decision was to allow for a year of seamless and intentional transition. However, in God’s foresight, He knew that Foursquare Connection 2020, planned for Denver, would not be taking place—for the first time since 1945, when our annual convention was canceled due to war conditions and transportation difficulties.

Instead of confusion and the tyranny of the urgent regarding leadership transition, we are now experiencing a peaceable and faith-filled exchange—one not driven by circumstances, but by the prayerful discernment of the Lord’s timing and leading.

Someone once said that the worst time to prepare for a crisis is in a crisis. While I think that this is a true statement, most of the time we work with where we are, and with whatever we have, at any given moment in time.

We never know when a storm will hit. But the difference for us as believers is that we don’t have to be expert “futurists” to determine our daily planning and living. We simply need to listen to what the Spirit is saying and obey His voice. When we do that every day, we end up in the right place at the right time. All of those daily acts of faith and obedience accumulate into a positioned life (and church)—one ready for the trials, battles and opportunities that will undoubtedly come.

Listening and obeying, today, is the key to weathering the storms of tomorrow.

Jesus taught us in Matthew 7 that storms are inevitable, but we can withstand storms when proper foundations undergird our structures. Jesus identified those who “build on the rock” as being those who hear and obey His words: “Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock” (Matt. 7:24-25, NIV).

Every opportunity for obedience to God is a fork in the road. Taking the path of obedience keeps us perfectly in His will, secure and on track. Listening and obeying, today, is the key to weathering the storms of tomorrow.

Leading in ambiguity is never easy, but we are up for the challenge as pastors and leaders because of our standing invitation to attune our ears and “hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Rev. 3:22, NIV). My prayer for you is that you will hear His voice today and that you will, in faith, step out in obedience: “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Rom. 10:17, NKJV).


  • Foursquare Presidential Transition Update
    With the input of the district supervisors and the board of directors, President Glenn Burris Jr. and President-Elect Randy Remington “switched seats” as of April 13. Randy is now directly leading the executive team, the central office teams and the U.S. Foursquare Church. Glenn will work directly in consultation with Randy in this capacity; Glenn will remain in direct leadership of the board of directors and will continue his work with the Global Council. Read President Glenn Burris Jr’s letter to the board of directors.
  • Foursquare Presidential Inauguration 2020 
    The inauguration of Randy Remington will be held exclusively online on May 31, 2020, at 4 p.m. PST. Plan to join your Foursquare family as Randy takes the oath of office and is installed as the seventh elected president of The Foursquare Church. The online event will include an address from our president-elect following his inauguration. Free registration will open at 3:30 p.m. PST on May 31. Mark your calendar, and bookmark