The photo accompanying this article represents so many emotions to me. It’s a snapshot of Aaron Calhoun and me embracing at the SEEK Conference for young adults that he helped lead in Atlanta. Aaron serves as the college pastor at Restoration Church (Huntsville Foursquare Church) in Madison, Ala., with Huey and Ruth Hudson. He preaches, leads and is being empowered by his senior pastor along with Joshua Hudson and others. This congregation is being intentional in identifying and investing in young leaders for the future.

In the same way, I feel like Foursquare is in a major generational shift. I remember when I was the young guy in the room. Someone recently sent me a video of my dad introducing me as a competent leader whom others could trust. The three previous presidents before me were all in Bible college together. With my selection, a new generation was placed in leadership.

Now, with President-Elect Randy Remington, it’s yet another generational perspective. It’s healthy. It’s right. But we must be intentional to make room for and prepare emerging generations to lead.

I’ve always admired my friend Daniel A. Brown, Ph.D. I know of no one who has actively discipled younger leaders, nationally and globally, and as diverse, as he has. Such discipleship is not an event—it’s a journey. Other ministries are doing it, too, such as The Rock (Anaheim Foursquare Church). And there are many others. It is non-negotiable, if we want a healthy future. It’s biblical and a divine design, this generational idea.

Generations have always had their challenges. But let me share a few thoughts and observations as we navigate leadership transition in our movement.

Randy Remington speaks at staff chapel at the central office in Los Angeles.

Families face this all the time. Parents shouldn’t simply be raising kids but raising adults who will one day lead on their own, with their own families. We teach them how to make decisions, not just make all of the decisions for them. We teach them to lead with solid values and responsible decision-making processes.

We should not provoke one another. The older generation needs to sponsor, make room for, trust and empower emerging generations. The younger generations need to respect, honor and learn from those who’ve traveled ahead of them. It’s not either/or, it’s both/and. Younger generations generally have more passion, more energy, creativity, new perspectives, but less experience.

It’s imperative that the older generations sponsor, empower and release emerging generations. It’s important that the younger generations continue to learn from, honor, respect and care for the generations before them.

Getting older is not easy. There are more physical, mental and emotional challenges and complications. There are more doctor appointments and prescriptions than ever. There are new financial realities. There are transitional challenges to find a new purpose.

Jesus modeled generational process. He learned before He taught. He honored those who came before Him, and practiced submission before He led.

Foursquare has been uniquely positioned with gifted, competent, godly and global influencers in every generation. Let’s foster, love, value, sponsor and embrace every generation. Let’s be patient while we press for change. Let’s be willing to tolerate mistakes, and trust God’s design and other’s motives. Let’s communicate our fears, misunderstandings, expectations, insights and questions.

It’s imperative that the older generations sponsor, empower and release emerging generations. It’s important that the younger generations continue to learn from, honor, respect and care for the generations before them—they planted the vines they’re eating from and living in houses those generations built.

What a wonderful plan God designed. Let’s do this and watch God fulfill our destinies, together. And may millions come to know Jesus because we linked arms and did this under the power of the Holy Spirit and in obedience to His Word.

It’s interesting that generations represent diversity, just as gender, ethnicity and social classes do. It was God’s prophetic design that the power of Pentecost (Joel 2, Acts 2) would provide the spiritual framework and foundation to meld all of those diverse streams into a powerful river and spiritual force for godly good and kingdom advance. God knew it would take all of us!

Upcoming Calendar Dates


  • Feb. 10-11: Executive team meeting in Los Angeles
  • Feb. 20-21: Life Pacific University board of directors retreat
  • Feb. 25-28: Pentecostal Leaders + PCCNA Meetings

The central office plans to relocate to the Angelus Temple campus at the end of February, which will save a projected $3 million over the next five years.


  • March 3-4: Executive team meeting in Los Angeles
  • March 9-12: Foursquare cabinet meetings in Glendale, Calif.


Three resources shared by President Glenn Burris Jr.

  1. GO 2020 is mobilizing Christians to reach 1 billion people with the gospel in May 2020. Find evangelism and outreach resources.
  2. Foursquare is a partner of the Global Church Network, a pastor-led movement that equips pastors to complete the Great Commission. Sign up as a Billion Soul Church and find resources for purchase.
  3. Rick Warren has many resources, including the Daily Hope, a devotional email, as well as a podcast series by the same name. Both are worth subscribing to.