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At the opening business session of the International Foursquare Church’s convention in Anaheim, Calif., Tuesday, May 26, Dr. Jack Hayford announced that he will conclude his service as the movement’s president at his one-term, five-year milestone. In a positive and pastoral manner, he withdrew himself from the opportunity to be considered for a second term, saying, “I am not resigning, retiring or refusing my availability to serve my church family in any way I may be asked. I am simply concluding my role as president; it was a decision prompted solely by a clarity born of God’s Word and Spirit as my wife, Anna, and I have sought His will.”

Following Dr. Hayford’s carefully explained announcement, the gathered convention body, though saddened by the prospect that such a beloved leader would not be continuing in the presidential role, rose with an extended ovation testifying to their understanding of “Pastor Jack’s” decision. The audio of the full message of his announcement, as communicated to the business session is available online.

The business session continued, as the church’s board of directors presented proposed actions already being put in place to ensure continuity in leadership. Their readiness to do so was due to Dr. Hayford’s advance notice that had been given to them the day before. A copy of that document, which was the core of his Tuesday presentation to the business session, is also posted as reference for all Foursquare members and leaders not in attendance. It will also be distributed among the national and international media and church community among whom he has ministered and will continue to minister in writing, speaking and via many media.

The sum of the well-known pastor’s farewell was, “I love you all—Anna and I love our Church family, and seek only to answer Jesus’ call when He speaks. [He has] given that perfect peace ‘which passes understanding,’ and there are ‘no negatives’ motivating my decision.”