Prayer becomes a weapon against spiritual strongholds.

Satan has a purpose: to blind the eyes of the unbeliever and to keep them in spiritual bondage. But prayer like that of the imprisoned Paul and Silas in Acts 16 could ignite a heavenly tremor designed to shake the foundations of hell and Earth, to open locked doors and hearts, and to free those shackled by sin and spiritual darkness.

Our call to begin 2020 with 21 Days of Prayer + Fasting provides us with tools to be bondage-breakers and preachers of the gospel.

But the Good News will never find receptive hearts without the ground having been readied. I’m ready for an earthquake—the spiritual kind. Let’s pray, believe and be prepared for the hearts that will be open for radical spiritual transformation in the coming year. These are His people. This is His plan. This is our responsibility.

Join with us in a radical commitment to prayer, fasting and evangelism in 2020. In the coming year, we are going to challenge you to take very intentional steps towards mobilizing everyone to be on mission as an evangelist.

Our cornerstone says we are “Dedicated to the Cause of Interdenominational, World-Wide Evangelism.” We are joining with the Body of Christ in GO2020. Let’s change the world together.

Reflect + Pray

1. Read the moving account of Paul and Silas’ imprisonment and liberation in Acts 16:16-34. Ask God to give you that much faith and trust in Him.

2. Pray for the hearts of the people whose lives God is ready to transform, and ask God to give you wisdom and courage to reach them.

3. Think about how your church can come together for prayer in the coming year. Ask God to provide people and the opportunity to pray together regularly and intercede for your community.

4. Please pray for what the coming year holds for The Foursquare Church. Pray for direction for our church. Ask the Lord for a clear vision, receptive hearts, and hands and feet that are willing to go preach the whole gospel to the whole world in 2020.

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