Prayer is vital in the history of The Foursquare Church and essential to our future—especially in the selection of a successor to current President Glenn Burris Jr.
The church’s health depends on prayer power. If someone tossed you a lifeline as you were drowning, you would be foolish to disregard it. At the same time, prayer is not a “parachute project” designed solely for emergencies. It must be as natural as breathing.
Our new president, whoever they may be, will need our support. We should gladly give it—especially in prayer.
So, how can Foursquare members pray for our next leader?
- Ask God for wisdom to choose the right person, and that He would anoint them for leadership. We can’t anticipate all the problems they will face, but we can pray they will find creative solutions.
- District offices can urge their pastors to pray for the new president, and pastors their congregations. With the office’s new responsibilities and opportunities, our prayers should be even stronger than in the past.
- Pray that the president-elect will gather increasing confidence as they “shadow” President Burris for a year.
- Our new president will often be aware of challenges and opportunities they will not be able to share with others. Pray that they will be able to deal with such pressures.
Our new president, whoever they may be, will need our support. We should gladly give it—especially in prayer.
This article was written with Ken Walker, a freelance writer in Huntington, W.V.