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Generally my day starts pretty early, around 4 a.m. My body clock just goes off and I’m up and going. I haven’t always been a morning person, but I now enjoy the quiet beginnings that allow me to have my devotions, organize my day, answer any new e-mails, then jump in my car before the other 12 million people get on the freeway system in Los Angeles. But I don’t leave the house without kissing my sweetie!

I have about a seven-mile journey on a two-lane road that winds me through a national forest before I merge onto the I-14. I generally push my Sirius radio onto the Spirit station and I’m off and running. Debbie has reminded me more than once that “texting” while I’m driving is neither smart nor legal! I try really hard to obey, but confession is good for the soul. Sorry honey, but I have multi-tasked a few times when I felt behind in my communications.

I don’t mind work. I don’t even mind weighing in on complex issues. Finding solutions to life’s problems really gets my adrenaline pumping. That’s part of my dilemma, though. It’s much easier to identify the challenges and come up with answers than to wholeheartedly trust the Lord to bring about the answer while being submissive to His timetable.

That’s why the National Day of Prayer (Thursday) becomes a vital reminder to me. It is a call to a spiritual discipline and privilege that must be a part of our daily life! We have really been summoned to stand in the gap for lost souls, governments, revival, reconciliation, peace in the land, Jerusalem and more. Don’t (like me) let the press of the moment cause one of the most dynamic weapons of warfare and tools of intimacy with God to fade into an obscure part of your daily life.

“Lord, here’s another confession that I bring before You. You have strategically placed the church here to be Your instrument of grace and intercession. Please renew in me, and in others, the kingdom mandate to pray in the Spirit, always!”

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” -Ephesians 6:18 (NIV)

By: Glenn Burris Jr., general supervisor