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I Came With A Holy Fear…
We Departed Under A Holy Grace
Dear Shepherds and Servants:
This letter shall be brief, but it is accompanied by much–a select set of items I believe you will find of much interest and much importance. Those words above set the theme for this “follow-up communique”–reaching to you with a summary of meaning-filled matters distilling from Chicago’s convention.
Those “title” words above are heartfelt. They so truthfully express the deeply felt sense I carried, leading to and coming from our gathering. And the “holy grace” I mention describes joy I feel today–a joy that rose steadily as we witnessed the “visiting presence” of God among us. I can hardly describe the delight I felt… a delight that had been preceded by my own coming to Chicago with a “holy fear” before God. Please let me share that with you.
As the numbers mounted–a record convention registration–it became a very clear signal to me that the Holy Spirit was awakening a deep hunger and openness, a fresh seeking after God among us. I knew, as well we all do, that there is no human agency that can supply the soul with that which Jesus alone can provide. For weeks before our gathering, I bowed over and over, feeling a holy trepidation and fear before His Throne–feeling so helplessly dependent on the Lord, praying that every one of our precious leaders might be refilled, refreshed, and renewed… and that, together, we might all be refocused. And then, Jesus met us… gloriously!
It is to His praise, and with gratitude to the precious presence of the Holy Spirit, that Convention 2005 closed with a sense of our departing under God’s grace. And while it remains each individual’s privilege to interpret and describe his or her own feelings re–deeply, in transforming ways. As you can imagine, my desire is to offer a means for EVERY CREDENTIALED MINISTER to “attend convention after the fact” or to review it anew, as you wish.
The enclosed gift of the Convention 2005 DVD is a small beginning, offering you at least an introductory “taste” of what happened, including condensed versions of each of the 8:00 a.m. prayer and praise gatherings, as well as all of the “segment” videos played in the evening services. In the next several weeks, there will be a double DVD set sent to all Foursquare churches. This will include a 10-minute version of each of the 10 plenary sessions, including a few more convention video highlights. However, if you wish, the whole “feast” is available immediately–by contacting Fresh Audio/Video at 800.687.6077.
I am also enclosing a copy of my PRESIDENT’S REPORT, provided here in its entirety as I read it to all at our business meeting. I would be very appreciative of your reviewing it, even if you were present at the reading. It puts several things in perspective and provides a focus for our future together. I believe–and do trust that–it will be an encouragement to you as we look ahead.
Later this summer I will be writing you again. There are several matters of vital spiritual significance and great breakthrough possibility that I see before us as a Church Family. I will not bother you with grandiose vision or attempts at programming your task for you. But I will invite you to look with me at some very, very practical local and pastoral possibilities that have proven potential for increased church health, growth, and pastoral fruitfulness. Every one of them relates to you, focusing aspects of ministry that I believe you will find useful and applicable in specific ways as you lead and serve.
As always, I am humbled and privileged to serve you. I trust you find these letters to be a blessing in their content, and not merely a burden in their length. There is “much” our Savior is offering us–together, as a movement. I hope I might be able to help us embrace what He wants to do–where YOU are, and everywhere WE are.
In Jesus’ life and grace,
Pastor Jack Hayford