Dewey Morrow, long-time Foursquare pastor and former Eastern District supervisor, went to be with the Lord.

Dewey served in many positions throughout Foursquare, perhaps most notably as the historic Eastern District Supervisor from 1986-2000. Dewey was a L.I.F.E. Bible College (now called Life Pacific University) graduate and served several churches throughout Ohio and Virginia before retiring with his wife, Kathy, in Mt. Vernon, Ohio.

Pastor Dewey and Kathy were both active in leadership with ForeRunners in the Atlantic District, where it was well-known that they mentored by example.  

 “My heart aches and rejoices concurrently as I reflect on the meaningful encounters that I was able to have with Pastor Dewey,” shares Atlantic District Supervisor Chanda Crutcher. “He Loved the Lord with his entire being and believed that the Foursquare Church is strategically positioned to do a great work. We are holding fast to the words that he offered just three weeks ago at the Foursquare Leader Conference, encouraging us with his personal testimony of healing. A champion for the Holy Spirit, we are better because Pastor Dewey remained committed to his calling all the days of his life! ”  

“In every conversation I’ve had with Dewey, he was contending for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit,” remembers former Foursquare President Glenn Burris Jr., who knew Dewey for more than 30 years. “He believed revival should be one of our highest priorities, perhaps because Dewey’s own life was a miracle story. God healed him from a life-threatening disease as a child in a Foursquare church plant decades ago. Dewey and I served as district supervisors in adjoining districts for a decade, and he became a personal mentor and friend. I will miss his godly wisdom, his passion for the Spirit and his personal encouragement.”  

Prior to his appointment as Eastern District Supervisor, Dewey and Kathy pastored several churches in the district spanning 30 years. During those years, Dewey held the positions of divisional superintendent, camp board member, youth camp director, divisional youth director and adjunct faculty member; he also coached basketball at Mount Vernon Bible College. He was most recently on the Board of Regents for Foursquare’s former Mount Vernon Bible College and Life Pacific University East (now LPU-Virginia).  

“Dewey inspired every generation,” adds Foursquare President Randy Remington. “He deeply cared about our Foursquare heritage as a church birthed in revival and sustained by the Spirit’s empowerment. He wanted every age to be renewed continually in the fullness of the Spirit. I could always count on a loving, firm and straightforward admonition in every conversation with Dewey. He didn’t mute his fatherly voice nor surrender his eldering responsibility. The Spirit’s fire in Dewey never diminished; it burned hot within him until his last days.”   

Dewey is survived by his wife, Kathy; they had two children as well as several grandchildren.  

Watch a one-minute clip of Pastor Dewey sharing with the Atlantic District’s 2023 Foursquare Leader Conference just weeks before he passed into glory.

A memorial service for Dewey Morrow will be held on Monday, October 30th at 11 a.m. EST, at Mount Vernon Foursquare Church; 509 N. Main Street, Mount Vernon, Ohio, 43050. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Foursquare Missions International in honor of Dewey.