In the post-resurrection narrative, there is something that strikes me as a unique point of interest; it’s in how quickly Jesus pivoted to engaging and inviting His followers in His mission.

In all of its glory, the resurrection was an opportunity for Jesus to revel in exoneration or vindication. However, He focused on inviting others into implementing all that His resurrection had accomplished and made possible.

Just as in the first act of creation—God took Adam and placed him in the garden to cultivate it—in the same manner, Jesus now calls His followers to cultivate the fullness of this new creation through Holy Spirit empowered participation.

  • “Do not hold on to Me … Go instead to My brothers and tell them” (John 20:17, NIV).
  • “Receive the Holy Spirit …” (John 20:22).
  • “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift My Father promised …” (Acts 1:4).

The infilling of the Spirit is the condition of a person who desires to become like Jesus in character and is the means by which we replicate His works. Therefore, as we approach Pentecost Sunday, let’s welcome the Holy Spirit, who appropriates all that Jesus won for us through His death and is validated through His resurrection.

Prayer + Reflection

  1. Pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit to descend on your congregation, for new visions and witnesses to be received, and for receptiveness from all believers.
  2. Ask God to give you clear direction as to where He wants you to be and what He wants you to do. Pray for the patience to wait or courage to go, whatever He asks of you.
  3. Ask the Lord for the gift of His Spirit to be on all Foursquare Missions International workers around the world, and for those communities being served to be open to His moving.

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