In this cultural moment, sharing the gospel has become an afterthought for too many Christians. In fact, I hear people making fun of how other people do evangelism.

Truth be told, without each of us doing our part, God is not glorified.

Aimee Semple McPherson talked about Jesus being the Savior, Healer, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit and Soon-Coming King. The Foursquare Church was founded on the cornerstone of interdenominational worldwide evangelism. We, too, must carry on this legacy.

Jesus’s last words should be our first priority. This isn’t to say that God isn’t still speaking today. However, the Great Commission is what should guide us daily.

Unfortunately, it seems like many people are embarrassed by the clear, plain teaching of the Gospels—that Jesus wants us to announce the good news of the gospel, the coming of the kingdom and the need for all to repent and follow Jesus.

Yet, God has given us this mission. John 20:21 says, “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you” (NKJV). Let’s keep our mission, the Great Commission, as our first priority.

This Week’s Prayer Focus [5 in 5]

Personal Prayer

1. Pray we would be reminded that Jesus has sent us on a mission into a broken and hurting world.

2. Pray that our focus would be on showing and sharing the love of Jesus to those around us.

3. Pray what Jesus told us to pray in Matthew 9:35-38—that He would send workers into the harvest. And then let’s respond with, “Here I am, Lord; send me.”

Foursquare Focus

4. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will meet us powerfully this week as we seek Him, and that the church would be forever impacted by what God begins in us at Foursquare Connection 2018.

5. Ask the Lord for a summer of vision, rest and joy. Pray that the old adage of a “summer slump” would not impede our hearts from the joy and fresh direction the Lord would infuse into us.

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