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I recently heard Rick Warren speak about the staff that Moses threw down at the burning bush scene in Exodus. He referenced that this staff represented (3) things to Moses.

  1. His identity (for the last 40 years, it was all he knew, his job, his family)
  2. His income (in the desert it was his source of economic means)
  3. His influence (whether he was pushing or pulling the sheep, this was it)

Then God asked him to throw it to the ground, where it transformed into a snake! A simple staff became known as the Rod of God! Whether parting water (Red Sea) or producing water (The Rock), it became a symbol of the entrance of God’s miraculous intervention. I wonder what just might be so central about our life that we probably wouldn’t even think about it in these terms, but by laying it down before God, and allowing Him to put His touch on it, would cause it to become something of extraordinary release and blessing. Joni Eareckson Tada, founder of Joni and Friends gave her broken body to God and look what He’s done!

Got something to give to Him today?

By: Glenn Burris Jr., general supervisor