There’s an obscure story in 1 Kings 13, where an unknown prophet was given a prophetic word for King Jeroboam at the altar in Bethel.

The “man of God” told him that a future king (Josiah) would desecrate the altar one day with the bones of the dead (vv. 1-3). He was also rebuking Jeroboam for violating the office he held. He announced the altar would immediately break in half, which it did (vv. 3,5).

The prophet was also told by God not to accept any food or drink and not to return the way he came.

Unfortunately, this unknown leader was duped by an “old” prophet who deceived him, by saying an angel had told him something different than what God had said (a lie). The young prophet violated God’s instructions and ended up being killed by a lion (vv. 11-25).

We must keep God’s Word as our authority and use discernment, remaining obedient, even when speaking to people of God.

Reflect + Pray

1. Think about a time a follower of God deceived you. How did you feel? In what ways did you deal with that deception and move on from it?

2. Do you prioritize the Word of God over everyone else’s? What are some practical ways you discern what is from God and what isn’t?

3. In what ways can you be more obedient to God in your daily life?

4. Next Sunday marks Clergy Appreciation Day, and we definitely appreciate our amazing Foursquare ministers! Pray for the pastors in your life to be given peace, fresh hope and renewed vigor for ministry.

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