“More And Growing Leaders Together On Mission”

Our Foursquare focus of “More And Growing Leaders Together On Mission” (MAGLTOM) is rich with vision! We want more leaders. We want growing leaders. We want to be leading together. And we want to be together on mission.

MAGLTOM is a vision that propels us into powerful kingdom work as we reach this nation and the world with the Good News of Jesus.

For the last year, we have been focusing on being “together.” As the Foursquare Northwest District team, we embraced the challenges of this era and transitions in our movement as opportunities to be stronger together as a community of pastors and leaders. As you well know, because of the tensions in local churches, being a true community is a challenge in this social and political climate. However, we believe in the uniting power of the Holy Spirit amid our differences. God doesn’t tell a story of the body of Christ being full of the same parts. God’s kingdom is full of diversity and differences that are united together miraculously by His power.

As Jesus prayed for His disciples in John 17:11, He said, “Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name—the name you have given me—so that they may be one as we are one” (NIV).

This is a critical message for the days that lie ahead.

Recently, at a meeting of district supervisors and Work Group leaders, Foursquare Director of Shared Mission Emily Platter said, “We’re not whole until everyone is at the table.”

Do you realize that you’ve been invited to the table? Do you see the opportunities we’ve been creating for you to be connected?

If you are not at the table, please change that. I will again say: You’ve been invited! Say yes to the opportunities for connection and being part of the Northwest District community.

I hope you will be part of  “Connection” either in person in Orlando or watching online. This event will be full of encouragement and vision for our movement.

Mark your calendars for Northwest Foursquare Leader Conference Oct. 13-15 online and in person in Spokane Wash. We have intentionally chosen Thursday to Saturday dates to enable more of our bivocational leaders to be involved.

Connect with your Northwest area pastor and get connected with other churches in your area. The area communities are not just for lead pastors. This is for all our pastors and leaders. Reach out and get connected.

Take advantage of all the opportunities. Don’t do life or ministry alone; MAGLTOM!
– Edler