Community Matters

I’m not sure if I made it up or took it from someone else, but for many years, this has been one of the key phrases of cultural language I’ve used as I’ve led in ministry: “Ministry flows out of community.”

Building community is a critical part of having a fruitful ministry. “People over program” is a crucial leadership focus for developing healthy community and care. My experience is that a biblically functioning community is the place from which true ministry flows. In John 17:21, Jesus prayed that we would be “one,” so it makes sense that He blesses our pursuit of healthy community and unity. With me as your district supervisor, you can expect that this value of community will be the main focus.

One of the things I love about The Foursquare Church is that we are encouraged and celebrated for being authentic and unique in our leadership styles and ministry flavors. I love that we are wildly different from one another in the way we present ministry and do church. I also love that our differences do not cause division because we all serve the same God and kingdom. He made us unique and diverse. It is powerful to embrace our differences as we embrace one another in community. This is a hallmark of the body of Christ, and it will be a hallmark of our district and movement.

Our district of pastors and leaders must be a community of real relationships. Reach out and get connected! Don’t do life or ministry alone. Let’s lock arms and lift each other up.

Come to our Regional Connect events, and hang out with the rest of our Northwest community! Bring your team, and let them experience the broader Foursquare movement. There are events in five regions plus online. We want to make it easy for everyone to take part. It will be a great time of community building, challenge, food and fun.

Love you all!
– Edler