North Africa is as dry spiritually as its large swathes of inhospitable desert.

In this region, there are just a handful of believers. Islam dominates, conversion is widely illegal, and missionary activity requires courage and caution.

Yet, even in the face of persecution and political instability, there are ministry oases through which Foursquare leaders believe God can bring a long-awaited harvest.

Sam Johnson appeals for prayer for this unreached, overlooked part of the world for which he leads efforts as Foursquare Mission International’s (FMI) area missionary for MENACA—the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia.


FMI’s North Africa region comprises Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia—collectively the area known as Maghreb, Arabic for “sunset”—and Egypt.

Population + Religion

91.2 million people. That’s 99.6 percent Muslim, 0.3 percent Christian and 0.1 percent evangelical.


One-time stronghold of the faith, it was home to church fathers such as Athanasius, Augustine, Cyprian and Tertullian.


A very small indigenous evangelical church persists. ISIS seeks to extend its draconian influence.


Opportunities for the gospel exist through “business as missions” initiatives, plus discipleship of refugees.


Send workers from Central and South America, culturally closer and likely to face less suspicion and hostility than less-welcome “Westerners.”


FMI is working to establish a new Foursquare presence in one North African country in 2017.


Pray for new believers to safely maintain Jesus-centered relationships with their families, who typically reject and may harm those who turn from Islam.

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