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A decision to merge the Mid-Atlantic and Washington, D.C.,/Baltimore Districts of Foursquare Churches into the newly formed Capital District was announced today by Glenn Burris Jr., general supervisor and vice president of U.S. operations of The Foursquare Church, on behalf of President Jack W. Hayford and the board of directors. The board appointed Daniel Brown as supervisor of the newly expanded district.

Daniel has served the Washington, D.C.,/Baltimore District as supervisor since May 2003. He and his wife Pamela planted The Coastlands in Santa Cruz, Calif., and pastored there for 22 years, during which time The Coastlands gave birth to 36 other churches under Daniel’s leadership—a testimony to his gift of inspiring and mobilizing people into greater ministry. Additionally, six of his associate pastors have stepped into senior pastor positions, including the young man he discipled to replace him as senior leader at The Coastlands in 2007.

In making the announcement, Glenn spoke of his gratitude for the outstanding leadership of Marty and Carolyn Jenkins, who have served the Mid-Atlantic District as supervisors since June 2002. Marty also serves The Foursquare Church as regional supervisor of the Atlantic Region, a role that will continue even after the new district is formed. For 24 years, Marty and Carolyn pastored the Gettysburg, Penn., Foursquare Church. During this time, leaders were developed from among the emerging generation and the church was revitalized, becoming outward-focused, sending mission teams throughout the world and planting churches in the city of Philadelphia.

On behalf of the board, Glenn also expressed the hope that the implementation of this district merger will result in ministry partnerships that will continue to flourish. The new district alignment and the expanded appointment of Daniel Brown will be effective March 1, 2008.

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