As we celebrate the gifts we received from our Heavenly Father in Atlanta, we especially thank the Lord for our newly elected president, Dr. Glenn Burris Jr. One cannot help but be grateful for how the Lord spoke and guided us during the selection process. We are full of anticipation of what He has for us in this next season.
Changing seasons many times also imply new beginnings or transitions in our lives. Most are pleasant, yet sometimes unexpected events can be accompanied by surprises, pain or even loss. As I have navigated seasons of transition, here are some principles that I have identified that make times of change a little easier:
Live as a pilgrim on this planet, not as a settler
I so easily allow pilgrimage to become permanent, yet our Foursquare message reminds me that Jesus is our soon returning King. Everything else is temporary. I am privileged to sleep in a comfortable bed, and my enjoyment of electronic gadgets borders on addiction… Yet in this new season I pray I keep things in their proper perspective.
Learn to travel lighter, with less baggage
There is so much suffering and emotional weight around us as we journey on this planet. But I will soon be able to give Him all of my pleasures and pain. Then, we will no longer see the “poor reflection as in a mirror,” but will see Him face to face. I desire to keep learning, forgiving and releasing more, holding on to much less.
Constantly examine my stewardship
The Lord has reminded me on many occasions that when He returns, He and I will examine my stewardship – together. It is so easy to treat things (or people) as if I own them. As we enter a new season in the Foursquare family, I pray we will live as those who will soon give an account.
What an incredible day it will be when Jesus returns. Yet until He does, let’s go around the world with the Foursquare gospel, and welcome Him today, as King in all His power and glory!
Prayer Focus: I pray that our eyes will look up. I pray that we will see just a glimpse of the power and glory that will one day fill the sky when Jesus returns. I pray that we will live consistent with this wonderful Foursquare message that we are privileged to spread around the world.
“Behold, He is coming with clouds and every eye will see Him…” Revelation 1:7 (NKJV)
Jonathan Hall is director of Foursquare Missions International