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Foursquare General Supervisor Glenn Burris Jr., on behalf of Foursquare President Pastor Jack Hayford and the Board of Directors of The Foursquare Church, announced two leadership transitions within the National Church Office. Underlying these transitions is the realignment of Foursquare Christian Education, as that department takes on a more specific focus and becomes Foursquare Children’s Ministries. As a result, a shift in national leadership has occurred to accommodate both this realignment and other expanding needs within the National Church Office.

Since 2002, Rod Light has served the U.S. church as National Minister of Foursquare Christian Education, overseeing children’s ministries, Christian school administration and the Foursquare discipleship resources available on the Foursquare website. As of January 2008, Rod accepted a newly-expanded role as facilitator of National Church Communications, serving Glenn Burris Jr. and more than 7,000 licensed Foursquare ministers as a writer, editor and communications specialist.

Rod also will work directly with our national church ministry specialists and regional supervisors, keeping ministry leaders apprised of news updates and other communication concerning The Foursquare Church in the United States, resulting in increased benefits to everyone, according to Glenn Burris. “For the past five years, Rod has served the National Church Office and Foursquare Christian Education with faithfulness and excellence,” he said. “In this new role, he will be a great asset to our denomination, as he continues to develop and expand the vital role of communication, resourcing leadership to enable them to function with maximum effectiveness.”

Glenn Burris also announced that Lynn Sawyer has assumed the position of national director of Foursquare Children’s Ministries, and will continue to serve as field-based leadership from Denver. Lynn has been part of the Foursquare Christian Education leadership development team for over four years and prior to that served the historic Northwest District as Children’s Ministries representative.

In the past three years, Lynn, together with the team of experienced children’s pastors she has assembled, has hosted more than 24 Connect retreats in districts across the country, as a result resourcing 1,400 key children’s ministry leaders with the tools and encouragement for sustained and fruitful ministry to children and their families. Lynn will continue to work closely with Gregg Johnson, director of J12 Ministries and with James Craft, director of Foursquare NextGen Ministries, in a holistic effort to reach the next generation for Jesus Christ.

The increased emphasis on children’s ministry leadership development is consistent with the board’s desire to reach the next generation effectively with the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to disciple people of every age as early in life as possible. These transitions and new appointments, which became effective January 1, 2008, have been extensively processed for several months with the board of directors, national church leadership, the national church council, and the regional supervisors, all of whom are delighted with the decisions.