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An authentic move of God is rooted in three characteristics—a message, a miracle and a mission. The biblical account of the Samaritan woman at the well is one example of how movements begin. Jesus spoke a life-changing message to the woman and a miracle (revelation) followed in which Jesus exposed her current life situation. She experienced an awakening of purpose (mission) that led to an entire town being influenced and a movement began.

When the Word is preached, when God shows up and when the call of God becomes clear … movements happen! Over and over the Bible records this pattern. The early church received a formal awakening on the Day of Pentecost, but the movement had much earlier origins. Some of these humble beginnings can be seen in Luke 5 as Jesus preached to the crowd by Lake Gennesaret.

A significant crowd gathered to hear a compelling message (Luke 5:1). The miracle of catching an abundance of fish (Luke 5:5-7) impacted the fishermen and was followed by a personal call (mission) to catch men instead of fish (Luke 5:10). A new movement began that day as they boldly followed Jesus, leaving everything behind (Luke 5:11)!

Now, let’s fast-forward to our Foursquare family today. A recent video posted to YouTube captures part of the story of how God used a young Canadian farm girl to establish The Foursquare Church some 80 years ago. I’m grateful to be part of a genuine movement that has its roots in a message, a miracle and a mission, but I’m hungry and thirsty for God to speak, move and challenge today, sparking a fresh movement!

“We are ambassadors for Christ.” 2 Corinthians 5:20 (NKJV)

By: Glenn Burris Jr., general supervisor