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Have you ever failed someone? I mean, really disappointed them by something you did or didn’t get done? I have, I did, and I will again. Recently I let someone down, big time! They were very put out with me. When word got to me, I had all sorts of responses. First, a little defensiveness (don’t they know my heart or how busy I’ve been?), then a little hurt (I’ve been there for them in the past) and finally frustration (What right do they have to be upset with me?).
Want to know how I let off my steam and got even? After I got over the initial shock, and after grumbling some to the Lord, I then composed a letter that apologized for my failure. I authentically celebrated this person’s right to voice a complaint. Then the letter clearly communicated to them that I was taking full responsibility for the set of breakdowns in the process! The result was a phone call that helped heal a hurt, rebuild a bridge of trust, and pave the way for stronger partnership in the future.
Isn’t it interesting that Jesus took full responsibility when it wasn’t even His fault? Moreover, He’s initiated every reconciliation, even pursuing us when we weren’t interested! That’s why I love Him so much and why it compels me to follow His example, even when I would rather not. When I do, I experience a peace and joy that can’t be fully explained.
Need to reconcile with someone? What are you waiting for? The “price” has already been paid…by someone else—Jesus!
“Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.” 2 Cor. 5:18 (NKJV)
By: Glenn Burris Jr., general supervisor