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Last week as the plane took off from Haiti I could see so much destruction from the air: broken homes, neighborhoods and blue plastic “tents” everywhere. It looked like I was once again watching CNN. Yet how comfortable I was! American Airlines had given me a courtesy upgrade and in a few minutes a moist towel and a luxurious meal would be served. It was such a contrast from where I had been just a few minutes before.

I stood outside a flattened three-story hotel where, until recently, people had slept and worked. The loss, pain and poverty on the streets were so real. I could not help but pray while I flew back to Miami and processed emotions in my heart. My prayers were something like this:

  • “Lord, help me see the true issues behind material loss and poverty, and as a church family help us discern, serve and heal the root causes and dysfunctions. Anoint us afresh to preach the true good news to the poor and proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor (Luke 4:18).
  • “Lord, help me also see the true issues behind material wealth, and therefore bring your true purpose to my prosperity. Anoint us to proclaim freedom to prisoners of wealth, and release to all those oppressed by debt.
  • “Lord, as You open my eyes to see, by Your grace, help me grow beyond maintenance into mission for my life. I many times move so quickly towards personal gain and self-preservation, and slowly to self-giving. Help me to serve not my comfort, but your call, and please forgive me for so often doing the opposite”

Sometimes it is difficult to make sense out of why some people enjoy such amazing comfort compared to so many who walk the planet in desperation; the Father so deeply loves every one of them. Yet as I move from pursuing my “kingdom” to His, grace, purpose and freedom can begin to flow and transform.

Prayer Focus: Please pray that this grace and anointing will abundantly be upon our wonderful Foursquare leader in Haiti, pastor Guy Thomas, as he leads the charge. Also pray for the Bookers and FMI team as they serve the monumental challenges and needs there. Let’s agree that because of them (and you who faithfully pray, give and go), there will be tens of thousands more Haitians before the throne of God and in front of the Lamb (Revelation 7).

By: Jonathan Hall, director of Foursquare Missions International