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My husband and I were trying to have another baby after having our first child. I couldn’t understand why it was taking so long, because it hadn’t taken that long to conceive Rebekah. We tried everything from taking Clomid pills, which gives you more chances of getting pregnant, to artificial insemination. And nothing happened.

We did this for six years. I remember feeling disappointed, month after month, for six years. But through this journey, I understood it was all God’s timing and that there was absolutely nothing that I could do about this situation.

After six years of trying, one month I said, “I quit!” Guess what? We conceived our second child, Charis. It was right then and there that I realized and understood that I needed to give up control, and let go, and let God. He is in control, and His timing is always best.

Psalm 46:10 states: “Let go of your concerns! Then you will know that I am God. I rule the nations. I rule the earth” (GW).

We are controlling people, and sometimes we can’t help it. If you say you aren’t controlling, you are lying. We are all controlling in some way or another.

As a wife, mother and pastor of a local church, I can get pretty controlling because I want certain things to happen the way I want them to or not to happen at all. Oftentimes, I get in the way with my controlling attitude so that I am not allowing God to take control over the situation.

What are some things that we need to let go of that hinder us from allowing God to do what He wants in our lives? Could it be bitterness, pride, selfishness, bad attitudes, insecurities, unforgiveness, our plans, our spouse, our children, the church, our leadership team … ?

I don’t know what you are going through right now. It might be one of the things I mentioned above, but, whatever it is, “let go of your concerns” today. God is in control of it all.

When we don’t let go, we hinder the race that God has for us. It will slow us down and make us tired and weary. It will cause us to be distracted from completing the vision that God has for us. We need to keep our focus on what God desires for our lives, not what we desire for our lives.

What are some things you need to let go of today? What is distracting you from finishing this race that God has for you? What do you need to surrender today? What concerns or relationships do you need to give to the Lord today? Let’s lift up those concerns and know that He is God, and trust that He knows what is best for us.

Prayer Point

Lord, I pray You help us today to surrender everything at Your feet. Help us to continue to trust You with everything we have and everything that we are doing for Your kingdom. Let us be reminded of who You are. You are God!

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